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Support displaced population in North Kivu

For the past 10 months, we have been supporting the Martin Luther King Group in the Goma region (DRC) to provide practical assistance to people displaced by the war, in particular by distributing food for children.

Join us by making a donation!

Through its regular presence in the Bulengo camps, the Martin Luther King Group aims to show its solidarity with the displaced people.

You can support the group's work on the ground by making a donation.

100% of your donation will go to the action on the ground, and the support is entirely voluntary, both in Europe and on the ground.

Triodos account: BE97 5230 8126 4049 (BIC code: TRIOBEBB) in the name of FieldGood asbl - Communication: "Kivu".

We are calling on you to help forge bonds between the local population and the displaced people.

The Martin Luther King group of local volunteers is active on the ground to provide direct food support and social links to these displaced people.

We support this group, with whom FieldGood's Pascal Martin has built up a close relationship of trust, and who keep us informed every week of developments in the situation and their work in the camps for the displaced.

What is your money supporting?

The group visits the camps twice a month, specifically the Bulengo camp in North Kivu, to provide direct food aid to children and women in great difficulty.

This aid is prioritised for the most vulnerable people, given their limited material resources. The more we can increase these resources, the more the number of people helped will increase.

Another objective is to establish social relationship between the group's volunteers and these people, who are sometimes displaced from faraway villages, so that they can be more included in the host area, which is itself very vulnerable.

How are the people behind this project?

The Martin Luther King Group carries out all concrete actions on site, offering their efforts entirely on a voluntary basis.

In this way, all financial resources are channeled to the direct beneficiaries in the camps.

Our local correspondent, Christophe Muteka, represents the group and leads the action.

How to support our action?

Make a donation to FieldGood asbl, which will pass on 100% of the donation to the volunteer team on the ground to buy the food that is prepared and distributed in the camps.

Triodos account: BE97 5230 8126 4049 (BIC code: TRIOBEBB) in the name of FieldGood asbl - Communication: "Kivu".